Page 7 - TestoGreens (Live Anabolic) : Flip It & Read It
P. 7
You trim down, harden up, become more vascular…
…and when you take your shirt off you’re noticed for all the right
I’ll tell you from experience, married or not, it feels damn good
to get compliments from the hotties at the beach when you go
And that’s a feeling you can enjoy on command…
…along with never having to throw in the towel on your love
Because unlike the estrogen loop you’re likely trapped in right now…
The Alpha Matrix is…
A Fat-Melting, Muscle-Hardening, Testosterone-
Pumping Feedback Loop That Gets Stronger By The
And I’m going to show you how to kickstart it now…
So you can help transform your cells into energy producing,
fat-burning power houses… *
Instead of energy draining, physique shattering “problem
So like I mentioned at the beginning my name is Mark Mcilyar.
I’ve written two best-selling weight loss programs for men over 40… that have been used by
literally 100,000+ men in countries all around the world…
I’ve been on a number of TV broadcasts sharing simple tips to help men our age get back in
About 7 years ago I took the plunge from my career as an engineer…
To live out my dream teaching men how to get back in shape…
I’m really proud of what I’ve been able to accomplish…
But what I’ll share with you today is not something I cover in any of my workout programs…
It’s NOT a diet plan or gym membership…
You won’t have to cut back on all of your partner’s cooking... or anything else you’re thinking of.
Instead this discovery is about the sneaky inflation molecule…
That contributes to the extra hang that’s been laying over your boxer shorts…
Which you can begin to eliminate starting today. First…
QUIZ: Here’s How To Know If This Inflation Molecule Is