Page 5 - TestoGreens (Live Anabolic) : Flip It & Read It
P. 5

Including those stubborn areas that make you want to hide
                                                                 under a big shirt even on a blistering-hot Summer day.

                                                                 Shrinking these fat cells starting now is an easy way to get

                                                                 more vascular…

                                                                 Reveal defined pecs, abs, and fit better in your clothes…

                                                                 It’s almost like pulling the pin on an inflatable pool toy…

                                                                 Yes, as crazy as it sounds…

                                                                 According to research out of a Swedish Laboratory…

                                                                 It’s possible to virtually “deflate” your fat cells…

                          And Help Support the Transformation of Your Fat

                          Cells From Large, Slow, and Lazy… To “Small, Lean

                                                                            and Fit”

                      …by making one simple change no one is talking about…

                      One you’ll discover today in this letter only.

                      Now if you're over the age of 50, you may believe it's just your

                      testosterone levels…

                      You see the ads on TV and they seem to be quite convincing.

                      But I'm here to tell you it has NOTHING to do with your t-levels.

                      Instead, the weight you've put on is in part a side-effect of this

                      inflation molecule…

                      When eaten, this inflation molecule all but forces old fat cells to grow…                    6

                      While contributing to new fat cells…

                      And according to the World Journal of Men’s Health…

                      These fat cells continually pump out estrogen… and simultaneously convert testosterone into


                      Estrogen is the female hormone that helps spawn even more fat cells in men.

                      This body-softening hormone is responsible for unsightly stubborn fat…

                      A “top heavy” physique…

                      And for men on the “smaller” side… estrogen causes a “skinny fat” frame with a pooch in the
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